UCO Bank ATM Block, How to Block UCO Bank ATM Card

How to Block a UCO ATM Card by Going to the Home Branch of UCO Bank, From your home branch, you can Block your UCO Bank ATM card. Include your address and other account information in a letter of complaint to the bank. Don’t forget to bring your passbook copy if you have a UCO Bank account.

UCO Bank ATM Block These were some easy techniques you may employ to prevent card theft or loss. Call the UCO Bank customer support hotline if you require any assistance with UCO Bank’s goods and services.

UCO Bank ATM Block Number

24/7 Toll Free no: 1800 103 0123
HOT<space>xxxx and send to 9230192301

How do I Block my UCO Bank debit card? Friends, we will explain how to Block the UCO Bank ATM Debit Card in this post today. If your UCO bank ATM card is ever lost or stolen, you must promptly protect your account by blocking your ATM card to prevent fraud.

How may a bank ATM card be blocked? All of UCO Bank’s clients are able to issue ATM debit cards. Although there are many advantages to using ATMs, you risk suffering significant losses if your card is lost or stolen. As a result, you have to maintain your UCO bank card large.

There are two options provided by UCO Bank to promptly disable an ATM card: first, by dialling a toll-free number, and second, by sending an SMS to close the card. Both of these techniques should be familiar to you so that you can use your card if necessary. hotlist.

Block UCO Bank ATM Card by SMS – Sending a card number or account number next to it while entering HOT is the simplest approach to block an ATM card by sending texts. You must put HOT into your cell device’s message box and send it to 9230192301.

Example – HOT 9876 send to 9230192301

Call the customer service line to block the ATM card. You may also block your ATM debit card by phoning the customer service line of UCO Bank. The toll-free number for this is 18001030123.

Before blocking the card, you must check it using the aforementioned two simple methods since once blocked, you won’t be able to activate the card again even if you still have it. Why not return it? If you suspect that your card has been stolen, block it right away.

For more information and the most recent updates on How to disable UCO Bank ATM Debit Card? You can call your local bank branch or go to the Bank of Baroda website.

  • UCO Bank Customer Number: 18002740123

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